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Football from a Christian View:

Is toughness wrong?

Because Football incorporates many different skills,
teamwork, as well as physical and mental toughness and
discipline, practices have to be organized and run
accordingly.Football practice therefore means high
energy! And that does not work with whispering. Athletes
all over the world use loud, rocking music for motivation -
not slow and low music... And orders in football have to
be communicated loud and clear. Players also need to
know that wrongdoings have consequences - otherwise
the sport does not work, especially with boys in
puberty...If you ever watch a high school football practice
you will realize that is about the same everywhere and
comes close to a military boot camp! The best high
school teams are lead in a dictatorial manner and the
reasons are obvious.I personally do not like to yell a lot
bit my kids notice right away when they lack discipline.

As a Christian I want to do the will of God.
So isn`t  toughness against loving your neighbor some
might ask... The bible shows what God means by love:
Love is not against discipline and punishment (even the
death penalty). The love the new testament desires is
also requested in the old testament. And the same
chapter of the bible also allows and even demands
punishment and even the death penalty! Therefore the
death penalty and other punishments are not at all
against love! In fact sometimes it is needed to protect
others. And isnt protecting others also an act of love? A
bile verse that is often misunderstood in the context is to
"turn the other cheek". However this verse is not talking
about discipline! And it is not about self defense, fighting
or even war! Instead the direct translation of the word
talks about a slap in the face with the palm of the hand -
not a fist! Jesus talks about "Eye for an Eye, tooth for
tooth" - an old testament way how judges were supposed
to rule! So reading the verses in context shows: This
verse is not about pacifism but rather seems to instruct
us not to personally retaliate, not to seek revenge for
minor things like a (symbolic) slap in the face, or simply
give in when it is about unimportant pieces of clothing!
But back to the subject of discipline: An upbringing with
discipline is desired by God - the bible tells us: "he one
who spares his rod hates his child, but the one who loves
his child is diligent in disciplining him." and also:
"Discipline your son, and he will give you rest;  he will give
delight to your heart." There are many more similar
verses - so the bible clearly shows Gods will regarding
raising sons! God made us so he knows best what we
need and how to raise our children! The bible also clearly
shows that toughness is part of life! Even Jesus, who
lived on this earth without sin, was not soft and gingerly.
Over and over again Jesus showed toughness - even to
the point where he got angry and turned over tables and
threatened people with a whip!

Therefore I do not see a contradiction to the bible if
coaches are tough on their players. Instead I am
convinced that todays youth needs more discipline than
ever - it is easy to see where the new-aged "politically
correct" education leads us. The resulting loss of values
in todays society is getting worse and worse. In  the US,
football is the last bastion of discipline - but even football
is under attack by the liberal craziness...but that is
another post altogether following in due time...


Book and video suggestions


During my time as a coach I bought a few books about high school football. I am not talking about novels but books about real life stories.
And the more I read those books the more I was confirmed in my approach! The books decribed exactly what I was doing and always told my
boys. Therefore I can highly recommend the two following books and videos:

So if you want to know more about high school football (toughness, discipline, love willpower etc) but also what high school football means in
American towns, here are two books for you:

Beyond Just Win: The Story Of G.A. Moore

Big And Bright - Deep In The Heart Of Texas High School Football

There are countless movies about high school football and also TV shows touching on the subject. However here I would like to recommend
a couple of real life high school football documentaries. You can watch the first two online, the third one is real good as well, I haven`t found
it online yet though.

The Last Game - CB West Football 1988 ESPN Documentary

Station Camp High School Summer Camp


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